Friday, February 26, 2010

Governor's Award of Excellence Presented to Hayes and Hennelly

NC Museum of History
Raleigh, NC
January 21. 2010

Lt. Doug Hayes and Trooper Kevin Hennelly were honored as recepients of the Governor's Award for Excellence for their leadership of the "Don't Text and Drive Program." Governor Bev Perdue and North Carolina State Highway Patrol Col. Randy Glover presented the awards.

The Governor's Award for Excellence Program is designed to acknowledge and express appreciation for outstanding accomplishments that do not fall within the scope of normal duties but are in the nature of a major contribution reflecting credit on the individuals and State service. The meritorious service is so singularly outstanding that special recognition is justified.

Hayes and Hennelly created and provided leadership for this program that has educated thousands of North Carolina high school students about the dangers of texting and driving. In addition to creating and implementing the program, the troopers also worked to acquire two golf carts and a trailer for use in the program. Lowe's Motor Speedway and East Coast Trailers were corporate sponsors of the program.

Hayes noted that the program has enjoyed great success due to the timeliness of the topic and the dedication of troopers who have shared the program in more than 50 high schools across the state. Hayes offered his appreciation to Sgt. Rich Allred, Troopers Glenn Smith and Vann Tate for their continued work with the program. Troop Recruiter Eric Naylor was presented with the "Charlie Taylor Award" for his work with the program.

More information about the program can be found in earlier posts on this blog.